вторник, 1 февраля 2011 г.


Well, hi there! It's kind of weird, but I have just created a blog over here. A Russian settling in on blogspot.com... Why have I done this? 

- so I can practice my English writing skills (at least it's more efficient than "Dear John/James/Jack and other imaginary friends" letters on English lessons)
- so some Americans and other foreigners I have or haven't met could learn about Russia
- so I can really write almost anything, since most of my friends haven't even heard of blogspot

I really like the last one. For example, if I write "Hey, I've just won regionals in the English Language!" in my Russian blog, those who read this will think: "That chick's showing off!", and they will be right, I guess. But here I could totally write this, since noone will even understand what these "regionals in English language" are about, duh.

A lot of blogs consist of constant posts like "I woke up at 11, brushed my teeth, watched Gossip Girl and hung out with my BF/BFF..." blah blah blah... I do not want to have a blog like this under any circumstances!!! In fact, I used to have a similar blog about 4 years ago, and it was even quite successful. About a month ago I started a blog on Livejournal, but I just completely hate its design! So let's see how it goes over here... Actually, I don't even really care about the comments or the number of readers, I just kind of feel like doing this.

Before I started typing, I spent at least half an hour making up a web-address name for my blog. I REALLY wanted to name it with some The Killers' song, as I absoultely love this band and their music. After failing with "Ms. Brightside" (the song's name is "Mr. Brightside", but I'm still a female), "Smile Like You Mean It", "Shadowplay" and "Read My Mind", I started trying out lines from their lyrics. Believe me or not, but I failed even with "Rebel diamonds" and "Eager eyes". Finally, I came up with
"Highway skyline" which is a part of a line from "When You Were Young" (We're burning down the highway skyline...), and I honestly find it nice. But anyways, I found a place for "Smile Like You Mean It" too, so nothing's left out :)

Today I'm sick. I haven't been sick for...a year? No, it's actually been even more than a year! (I guess, Arkansas climate was good to me) I don't know if it's cold or flu, but I didn't go to school. I'm even quite happy about this, since I have so much free time to STUDY. Yes, you got it right. Study for my state exams. I need to take a Literature exam, because I'm going to major in journalism. And that requires A LOT of reading! I don't even have enough time for reading because of school. Haha :) It's actually funny how school doesn't let me study... I really do think seniors need to take only classes they need for taking state exams depending on their career preferences. Unfortunately, Russian seniors still need to take 14 classes. Yeap. We are all smartiepants over here. 

Sad news: one of the Domodedovo airport terrorist act in Moscow victims died yesterday in the hospital. This is really sad. Now the number of the dead is 36. 36 people lost their lives just because of stupidity of some man... It's all going into politics, I guess, but just the fact of this terrifying act makes me think about how immoral some people are. And we can't do anything about it.

I also would like to mention that today's a New Year's Eve in China. They all have their own calendar, right?

So, I think that would be it for my pilot post. (Can I say so?) Hope that at least someone will read it and probably even like it :)

P.S. - I'm really bad at English punctuation, so if missed a comma or two, please, do not hesitate to write me  that I'm not proficient enough :)

 Oh, here's a pic of Russian winter sunset for you! My dad took it a couple of weeks ago